接口地址:http://route.showapi.com/2022-1 (注意:接口支持https,更安全,但稍慢一些,你懂的。请根据自己的情况进行选择。)
二、请求参数/ Request parameter
参数名称 类型 示例值 必须 描述 showapi_appid String 100 是 易源应用id showapi_sign String 698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668 是 为了验证用户身份,以及确保参数不被中间人篡改,需要传递调用者的数字签名。 可选,在url后带上appid和secret即可 showapi_timestamp String 20141114142239 否 客户端时间。
为了在一定程度上防止“重放攻击”,平台只接受在10分钟之内的请求。如果不传或传空串,则系统不再做此字段的检测。showapi_res_gzip String 1或0 否 返回值是否用gzip方式压缩。此值为1时将压缩,其他值不压缩。 ... 2、应用级参数(每个接入点有自己的参数,当前接入点的参数见下表): 展开收起
参数名称 类型 默认值 示例值 必须 描述 img String 否 图片二进制数据的base64编码或者图片url 注意传base64时:data:image/png;base64,要去掉 url String https://showapi.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/modleapi/wjy/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87.jpg 否 图像url地址:图片完整URL,URL长度不超过1024字节,URL对应的图片base64编码后大小不超过4M,最短边至少15px,最长边最大4096px,支持jpg/png/bmp格式,和img参数只能同时存在一个 ...
请求示例:String res=new ShowApiRequest("http://route.showapi.com/2022-1","my_appId","my_appSecret") .addTextPara("img","") .addTextPara("url","https://showapi.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/modleapi/wjy/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87.jpg") .post(); System.out.println(res);
三、返回参数/ Return parameter
1、系统级参数(所有接入点都会返回的参数): 展开收起
名称 类型 示例值 描述 showapi_res_body String {"city":"昆明","prov":"云南"} 消息体的JSON封装,所有应用级的返回参数将嵌入此对象 。 showapi_res_code int 0 易源返回标志,0为成功,其他为失败。
-7, API创建者的网关资源不足
showapi_res_error String 用户输入有误! 错误信息的展示 showapi_res_id String ce135f6739294c63be0c021b76b6fbff 本次请求id ... 2、应用级参数(系统级输出参数showapi_res_body字段中的json数据结构): 展开收起
名称 类型 示例值 描述 sid String a5347593bb941271a3bf66defb5b923ef0e3ad93bd5386f3afb882b21d6f141fb9246bfd 唯一id,用于问题定位 prism_version String 1.0.9 算法版本 prism_wnum Number 16 识别的文字块的数量,prism_wordsInfo数组大小 angle Number 0 角度,范围:0-360,0表示向上,90表示向右,180表示向下,270度表示向左 prism_wordsInfo Object[] 识别的文字的具体内容 - 0 Object - word String learned.We always remember 文字块 - prob Number 99 置信度 - pos Object[] 文字块的位置,按照文字块四个角的坐标顺时针排列,分别为左上XY坐标、右上XY坐标、右下XY坐标、左下XY坐标 - 0 Object - x Number 344 - y Number -1 - 1 Object - x Number 555 - y Number -1 - 2 Object - x Number 555 - y Number 14 - 3 Object - x Number 344 - y Number 14 - tableId Number 1 如果该文字块在表格内则存在该字段,tableId表示表格的id - tableCellId Number 2 如果该文字块在表格内则存在该字段,表示表格中单元格的id prism_tablesInfo Object[] [] 表格信息,如果不存在表格,则改字段内容为空 - 0 Object - tableId Number 1 表格id,和prism_wordsInfo信息中的tableId对应 - xCellSize Number 1 表格中横坐标单元格的数量 - yCellSize Number 1 表格中纵坐标单元格的数量 - cellInfos Object[] 单元格信息,包含单元格在整个表格中的空间拓扑关系 - 0 Object - tableCellId Number 0 表格中单元格id,和prism_wordsInfo信息中的tableCellId对应 - word String aaa 单元格中的文字 - xsc Number 1 xStartCell缩写,表示横轴方向该单元格起始在第几个单元格,第一个单元格值为0 - xec Number 1 xEndCell缩写,表示横轴方向该单元格结束在第几个单元格,第一个单元格值为0,如果xsc和xec都为0说明该文字在横轴方向占据了一个单元格并且在第一个单元格内 - ysc Number 1 yStartCell缩写,表示纵轴方向该单元格起始在第几个单元格,第一个单元格值为0 - yec Number 1 yEndCell缩写,表示纵轴方向该单元格结束在第几个单元格,第一个单元格值为0 - pos Object[] 单元格位置,按照单元格四个角的坐标顺时针排列,分别为左上XY坐标、右上XY坐标、右下XY坐标、左下XY坐标 - 0 Object - x String 1 - y String 1 - 1 Object - x String 2 - y String 2 - 2 Object - x String 3 - y String 3 - 3 Object - x String 4 - y String 4 height Number 371 读光处理后的图片高度 width Number 600 读光处理后的图片宽度 orgHeight Number 371 原图图片高度 orgWidth Number 600 原图图片宽度 content String learned.We always remember Have you ever been to Singapore?For things better if we take time thousands of tourists from China, this small ˉto reflect: island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua alot of the time. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so its also a good place to practice your English! Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China?Maybe you fear that you wont be able to find anything good to eat when you travel.In Singapore, however, you'll find alot of food from China; you wont have any problem getting rice, noodles or dumplings.Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food.Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you'll find it all in Singapore! 图片里面的所有字 ...
"showapi_res_error": "",
"showapi_res_id": "d22280e17ff841f7b48d2b6840f39032",
"showapi_res_code": 0,
"showapi_res_body": {
"sid": "a5347593bb941271a3bf66defb5b923ef0e3ad93bd5386f3afb882b21d6f141fb9246bfd",
"prism_version": "1.0.9",
"prism_wnum": 16,
"angle": 0,
"prism_wordsInfo": [
"word": "learned.We always remember",
"prob": 99,
"pos": [
"x": 344,
"y": -1
"x": 555,
"y": -1
"x": 555,
"y": 14
"x": 344,
"y": 14
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"height": 371,
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"orgHeight": 371,
"orgWidth": 600,
"content": "learned.We always remember Have you ever been to Singapore?For things better if we take time thousands of tourists from China, this small ˉto reflect: island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua alot of the time. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so its also a good place to practice your English! Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China?Maybe you fear that you wont be able to find anything good to eat when you travel.In Singapore, however, you'll find alot of food from China; you wont have any problem getting rice, noodles or dumplings.Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food.Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you'll find it all in Singapore! "
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